Our story


Hello, everyone, my name is Andrii Prepelytsia, I am the founder of the Torross family company.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 32 years old. I have a beloved wife and a beautiful little one-year-old son, Leo, whom we have been waiting for for 5 years. I am from a small peripheral town not far from Kyiv, Ukraine. I grew up in a wonderful family, my father was engaged in his own business all my life - he made wooden doors, and my mother was a housewife, for which I am very grateful. Since childhood, I loved working with my hands, and in my youth I restored old motorcycles and mopeds. I graduated from high school and went to the capital to study at the University of Transport. But in my second year, my mother gave me a book by Robert Kiyosaki, "Rich Dad. Poor Father". And my life changed. I started thinking like an entrepreneur and looking for different ways to make money as an entrepreneur. I took money from my dad and opened a clothing store in my city. It was unprofitable. Then I sold my motorcycle and bought equipment to print postcards and business cards. But there was no profit either. I had no capital anymore, and then I started writing custom texts for various websites. I assembled a small team of freelancers and started earning my first money. I paid for my studies and gradually helped my parents. I received a secondary specialized education and did not want to study further, I started reselling goods from China in my country. Then my life began to change rapidly, I moved to Kyiv, got married and started to actively expand my business. But all this time I dreamed of creating something unique, high-quality and wow.

And in 2019, I decided to create the Torross brand. I came up with the name - Toro - from the Italian bull, Rosso - red. I have always been inspired by Italian temperament and style. I chose leather goods because it is a very old, ancient material with a history, and genuine leather goods have always been famous for their status, charm, and vintage. Together with my father and the team, we came up with a wooden box with a puzzle that can only be opened by finding the key inside the box itself. Later we patented it. Step by step, we developed and gave people emotions, and we are already known in the domestic market by many people, we have thousands of reviews and gratitude. We are happy to be able to brighten people's lives and make them smile with our boxes, and then enjoy many years of joy from using leather goods.

I would like to note that we were able to keep the entire team and production in Kyiv during the full-scale war and now we continue to work, develop the economy and give people the opportunity to work and earn for their families.

I want to thank you, my dear client, for the opportunity to work, develop and create beautiful things in such difficult times for our country Ukraine.

Special thanks to our soldiers who give us this opportunity. We are constantly donating our profits to the army, to treat the wounded and victims of this bloody war.

 "We offer you something more than just quality products. We create emotions!"

Sincerely, the founder of TORROSS Andrii Prepelytsia



This site is owned and operated by Andrii Prepelytsia
My personal email: andrii@torrosscrafted.com